Our Dance Classes
Here at The Dance Shack, we teach through Private Lessons and Group Classes. We also have Social Dances (sometimes called dance socials or just socials), where you can practice your dancing with instructors nearby to help out!
The fastest way to learn to dance is through Private Lessons. That’s where you’ll learn techniques like leading and following, timing, balance, and much more. Through Private Lessons you can be dancing in just a few weeks.
Group Classes show you patterns, which are where to put your feet.
The most common way that people learn is to take Private Lessons, and intersperse them with Group Classes.
The cheapest way is to just take an hour of a Group Class each week and come to the Social Dances. You’ll be spending around $15 a week! You should still do a Private Lesson from time to time.
The fastest way to learn is through Private Lessons. One or two a week will make you a good dancer quickly!
To see how much everything is, go to our Prices Page! To see all our upcoming Courses, Workshops, and other events go to our Calendar of Events page!